2025/02/16 日曜礼拝説教映像 

 2025/02/16 Message.  (Philippians 2:17-30)  


2025/02/09 日曜礼拝説教映像

 2025/02/09 Message.  (Philippians 2:12-18)  


2025/02/02 日曜礼拝説教映像

 2025/02/02 Message.  (Philippians 2:1-11) 


2025/01/19 日曜礼拝説教映像

 2025/01/19 Message.  (Philippians 1:1-11) 


2025/01/12 日曜礼拝説教映像
「主は生きておられる」(サムエル記第二 22章29-37節)

 2025/01/12 Message.  (Ⅱ Samuel 22:29-37) 


2025/01/05 日曜礼拝説教映像

 2025/01/05 Message.  (Ⅱ Samuel 16:5-14) 


Our Church is a Protestant church that primarily succeeds the faith tradition of John Wesley,the founder of Methodist Church.
We cherish the theology of justification and entire sanctification by faith in Christ Jesus and His atonement.